On April 1st, 2021, I launched my new platform, DSCVR.
Pronounced as “discover”, it’s a platform that includes a database of creatives, media professionals, and more. I like to start within my own circles, which is why the current focus of DSCVR is to find people mainly in Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area who are involved within the hip-hop music industry. For the past three years, the Toronto hip-hop industry has been my area of focus, working in creative media and management.
Why does DSCVR matter? Why is it important? Who cares about your platform? These are questions that pop into my head when I share DSCVR, or when people ask me what’s it all about.
In the years that I’ve been working in the music industry, I’ve worked with brand new artists, and people who are starting to get into the scene. The same position that I was in, but as a ‘behind-the-scenes’ person. I’ve found that there’s a lack of information, a lack of local community, and a lack of resources when don’t already have big connections.
Something that I’ve carried throughout my life, and into my career is that if there aren’t any opportunities, or nobody is willing to work with you, make your own. What should stop you from creating something that you can’t find anywhere else?
I understand that connecting with the right people and sharing resources isn’t something people are willing to do for free, or there’s this thing where people are stingy when it comes to sharing a source. I, myself, was like that at one point, but I came to realize that even if you give people the “recipe” it doesn’t mean you lose your sauce. More times, people don’t even use the recipe when it’s given, or they can’t reciprocate what you do, and most importantly, not everyone is your competition. There’s enough to go around.
The DSCVR Database serves a purpose to people who are in the creative field and the people who are looking to find new art. Overall, it’s people who are looking to discover more. Building this network of creatives, and opening new doors in an era where social networks aren’t being used as social tools anymore. It’s time to revive connecting people through art by using the internet as a constructive tool to bring people together.
I really appreciate the kind words of support of those who understand what this platform is becoming. It does a long way to know that I’m not the only person who thinks that this platform is a great way for people who are emerging artists or new to the creative scene to discover more people and to learn more about them as a person in their field and them as a real person in this world, not just another profile picture.
There’s much more about DSCVR I’d like to share because it goes beyond this blog post itself.
I want to also express my respect for the people who have contributed to the platform already.
Contact me directly on Instagram or via email if you’d like to learn about contributing to this platform and gain the opportunity to be discovered.
Visit www.dscvr.com to view what I’ve built so far.