What do you think of when you see the year 2021? Do you see the present? Do you think about how crazy it is to see that we’ve made it to the 20s? Do you see number 2022, 2023, and so on?

When I look at 2021, I think about the present day. Being born in 2000, we don’t even need to remember how old we are or how old we’re turning. I’ve always felt like that’s pretty convenient.

Coming into the New Year, I released this website and blog as you may have read in my previous post. Going into 2021, I didn’t feel the need to make a New Year resolution. Personally, where I’ve ended up in everything that I do, there’s not much change to be done, and that’s something I’m proud of.

Making Your Moves

If you know me, you know that I like to get things done, and done as soon as possible, which could literally be minutes after making a concept. This trait of mine brings out other attributes such as motivation, and efficiency. If there’s something to do, it’s better to get it done right then and there so it’s over and done with, instead of leaving it for later, and we all know that it may never get done. This same quality of mine is the reason why I don’t believe in New Year's resolutions. Scrap the year changing, why even wait to leave it for tomorrow when you can do it now? Obviously, it’s easier said than done but give it a try for a week and see how efficient you get.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s always a balance to everything. The reality of maximizing your efficiency from my advice to get it done is that it can lead to being impatient.

I can make up a whole plan, and do it quickly, but my impatience did teach me a lesson last year. This quick to move method lead to a financial loss in one of my businesses. I’m just glad I learned it early on and it didn’t affect anything on a large scale. Another thing to be aware of, when things do go wrong, try to see the brighter side of things. In the end, being patient is very important, and making sure you plan your moves are the best advice that will lead to success in all areas of your life.

Planning Life

With the reflection of two of many lessons I’ve learned last year, I needed to make not a New Year’s resolution, but my long term plans do coordinate with the calendar year. When you reflect on certain things, have certain goals, you need to make a timeline of when you want them done so that you can decide how to get them done in that time frame. Never ‘under schedule’ or be unrealistic with your goals with a timeline. It’s better to give yourself two deadlines; the ideal day you want to have to achieve this goal and the absolute day it should already be done. This way, you can account for the unpredicted things and not feel like it’s then or never.

Life is complicated, and things happen that are out of your control. Reflecting on that, in my opinion, life can be 50/50 of what you have control over. At the end of the day, you do make conscious decisions and those are the things you are indefinitely responsible for.



